Thursday 21 April 2016

Butternut squash and chick pea fry

This is another easy curry/fry for a rainy day. I used frozen packet of butternut squash pieces and a can of chick peas. Frozen pieces are easy as butrernut squash is a hard to chop vegetable , needs little elbow grease.
Frozen packet of squash pieces/ fresh
1 can chick peas
1 tea spoon chilli powder
1 tea spoon eack of coriander and cumin powder
1 onion
1 teaspoon ginger garlicpaste
Chopped coriander leaves


Take a oan witb a table spoon oil. Temper with mustard and cumin seeds and curry leaves.
Add chopped onion and let it soften
Add ginger garlic paste
Add B Squash and let it soften.
Add chick peas drained.
Add rest of spices after and gently fry for further 10 min
Finally some coriander
Serve with roti or rice.

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